Tradition: A Strega Way

I have high hopes for “A Strega Way.”


I’d like to get ASW become an incorporated non-profit, and then people could start local branches under ASW’s umbrella.

I’d like to make a list of holidays everyone affiliated with ASW observes, and then each branch can add other holidays significant to their members.

I’d like to have an online password protected Grimiore that each ASW member contributes something to once a month, and each member as access to the Grimiore.

I’d like to have a daily rite that everyone does the same way around the same time, so ASW starts building traditions and energy.

I’d like to build a community where like-minded Strega and Roman Pagans can practice a religion that may be similar to what our ancestors practiced, but I’d like to think our ancestors would recognize what we’re doing, and why.

I’d like to have online rituals for those who don’t have a local branch to connect to.

No, I am not a hereditary witch, and I have not been initiated into any other Strega group. What we do here will be establishing a Tradition of traditions. People from various Strega walks of life will come and add to our Strega melting pot. And any genuine seekers can be taught and initiated by a local branch at the branch’s discretion. Anyone interested in Strega can join the non-branch mother branch and have access to online videos and our community, etc.

I don’t want to see ASW turn into an Italian version of Wicca. Our deities are great. Our mythology is great. Our holidays are great. We don’t need to borrow from outside groups when Strega itself has a rich history er can pull from.

Are you interested?