My Dream Job

Day 4: My Dream Job (Day 4 of 30 Day Blogging Challenge)

On a personal level, my dream job is to be a published writer. I’d love to take my thoughts and experiences and turn them into blogs and books that would educate and entertain.


In regards to a dream job regarding Cassie’s Law, I don’t believe there is one for me. Trying to talk to politicians on a part time basis and have them see what I see in this potential law is emotionally exhausting. I take it personally when they say no. I take it personally when other adults don’t respond to my efforts to protect children from sexual abuse, like it doesn’t affect them so it’s not their concern.


I also worked as a mentor with the Youth Advocate Program of NJ for a couple years, and I got burned out. I worked with a variety of kids, and many had sexual abuse experiences in their past they were dealing with. I’d spend 5 to 10 hours per week with each child, so I knew the child and what they and their family needed, but I had the least amount of power to help them. Having the most contact and most responsibility with the least amount of authority is a difficult situation to be in when helping someone.
