3 Healthy Habits

Day 14: 3 Healthy Habits (Day 14 of 30 Day Blogging Challenge)

  1. I exercise. I go to the gym with my friend Darlene and we do the treadmill and the weight circuit and sometimes the ski machine. I also walk around my neighborhood on nights I can’t go to the gym. I don’t run or jog (I have limitations on what I can do due to disability due to Lyme Disease and Rheumatoid Arthritis) but I still work up a good sweat. I can tell it’s working, my clothes are fitting me better and becoming looser and I’ve lost pounds and inches. I’ve also been drinking more water than anything else and have cut soda and juice intake down to almost none. 193_exercise_png
  2. I blog. I consider it a healthy habit because it helps me organize and express my thoughts, feelings, and opinions. I also consider it a healthy habit because my ultimate career goal is to be a full time writer, so being in the habit of writing something every day moves me toward that goal. 943510_10201047862139943_1456839448_n
  3. I tell my family I love them every day. Almost every time one of my daughters passes by me or interacts with me, I make sure I touch them and express my love for them. My 9-year old is starting to roll her eyes when I do it, but it’s important to me that she knows how much I love her, especially in her teen years as they’re fast approaching. My 5-year old seems to look forward to the interaction. My husband simply replies he loves me too. I feel we live in a society that doesn’t express positive emotions enough, and I want that to be different with my family. I do love them so much.1604770_10203078297739564_973666168_n