50 First Dates

Day 19: My Favorite Movie (Day 19 of 30 Day Blogging Challenge)

SPOILER ALERT: I blog about this movie like you’ve already seen it. If you haven’t seen it, reading this blog may expose the plot and ruin the ending for you. You’ve been warned.


My favorite movie is easily 50 First Dates with Drew Barrymore and Adam Sandler. Lucy had a head injury that led to a type of memory loss that she forgets everything after her 18th birthday each time she falls asleep. Henry met her after her 18th birthday and falls for her, but finds himself faced with the challenge of crossing paths with her and making her fall in love with him day after day.

Many of the side plots don’t have much to do with the main story, but they bring hilarity to an otherwise serious, thought provoking story. I don’t recall the source of this information, but I heard the script was first written as “50 First Kisses” and it wasn’t a comedy at all. Adam Sandler came along and rewrote the script to add some humor and make the story less of a pull on the heart strings while keeping the gist of the main story in tact.

I found the ending to be so moving because, despite all Lucy’s flaws, she was able to find true love without having to change or get “fixed.” Everyone around her adjusted themselves. In a world that prizes instant gratification and perfection, I find that sentiment to be beautiful and moving. I don’t cry easily at movies, but it’s one of the few movies that the ending brought me to tears.