
Day 20: What Makes Me Happy (Day 20 of 30 Day Blogging Challenge)

My children make me happy. No, not 100% of the time, but their existence brings a joy to my life I otherwise wouldn’t have. I love being a mom and I love having kids.



Dachshunds make me happy. They look like they just stepped out of a cartoon with their long body, short legs and floppy ears, and their larger than life personalities sing a song my heart can hear. Once upon a time my best friend was a dachshund, and we did everything together, including him coming to work with me. I miss him every day and look forward to being at a point where I can have another dachshund come into my life and heart



Writing makes me happy. I express myself better with written words than with verbal ones. It seems to be a form of expression my soul needs. If I’m feeling an emotion and I talk about it, it’s still there and strong. If I write about it, I can find peace within.



Reading makes me happy. I love escaping from the real world and into a book several times a day. Whether it’s fiction or non-fiction, self-help or mystery, it entertains me in a way that’s hard to parallel.

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Cheesecake makes me happy. I’m not even eating a piece right now, but just the thought of a big piece with fruit on top and gooey sauce brought a smile to my face.



Playing World of Warcraft makes me happy. I’m not the best at the game, but being able to get online with some friends and play a game together while we chat is a fun way for me to relax. I also enjoy Pogo for this very reason.



Snow makes me happy. Maybe this is a hold over from childhood? I don’t like it so much if I have to go out in it, but if I can stay indoors all nice and warm and watch it come down outside around me? Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!
