
Day 22: My Worst Habits (Day 22 of 30 Day Blogging Challenge)

I dream big. I’m very good at visualizing something in detail and seeing the differences between where I am now and where I want to get to and making a plan to bridge the gap. I’m not so good at following the plan. One of my worst habits is procrastination. I think part of it is a hectic schedule, part is depression, and part might be a fear of success. Whatever the reason, it’s a bad habit I want to put behind me. It’s unsettling to think I’m almost 40 and I haven’t tackled many of my lifetime goals yet.

I’m also a bit of a messy person. I’d like to think it’s because messiness leans towards genius, but it’s probably more of a lazy factor and a lack of discipline factor in my case. I prefer to enjoy the moment and put off small chores, and it piles up on me until I have a bigger mess to clean up later.

Maybe one of these days when I become a success, I’ll hire a maid. 🙂