I Love Michael

Day 24: What Attracts Me in Love (Day 24 of 30 Day Blogging Challenge)

I’m currently married to a man I was married to once before, but we chose to get divorced and go our separate ways. I dated others in the meantime and even married and divorced someone else before getting back together with my Michael.

I originally met Michael online through a mutual friend, and our first date was at P&B Diner in Glassboro, NJ. No lie, by the end of our first date I knew we would be together. I knew I would end up marrying him. I wish I could put into words what it was, other than this click inside me and an overall feeling of contentment and security I hadn’t experienced before. Sure, he was a great conversationalist and he had no trouble making me laugh, but that wasn’t it. There was this sense that I’d known him forever.

I love curly hair, and even though Michael keeps his head shaved or his hair very short, when we first me he grew it out to show me how curly it was. I could run my fingers through his hair for hours and not get bored.

I love tall men. Michael is 6’2″, so he’s on the shorter side of tall, but he towers over my 4’11” frame, and that does something for me.

I love an intelligent man, a well read man, and a man who has a decent sense of humor. Michael has all three.

I want a man who is aligned with me spiritually and politically. Michael is close on both accounts. He’s a Celtic-Roman Pagan and I’m a Roman Pagan. He’s Independent politically. When we first met, I was a Democrat, but more recently I’ve been researching the Green Party and am very close to making a switch.

There is one thing I’m attracted to that Michael doesn’t fit the bill for, and that’s a younger guy. I’m a total cougar and love men 10+ years younger than me. My husband is 5 years my senior.

Most importantly, I want someone who will commit to me and is willing to stand by me ans we fall in and out of love multiple times. Marriage isn’t easy, but I think it’s worth it if you find the right partner.
